Monday 1 June 2009


My friends older brother...the one that made me so pissed off, has been sending me hate texts...
He has never talked to me in his life! I've never talked to him...

This morning...I'm sitting here...checking you people's blogs to comment, when he sends me a picture of his butt!
Well, anyway thats what it looked like, I'm praying it was something else made up to look like it...

Ahhh! Why me?


  1. This is not the guy who was at skating...
    this is ANOTHER friends older brother...

  2. Can you block his number so he cant send you any more?
    Seriosuly, what age is he? I'd expect a ten year old to behave like that! He has problems, dont worry Rain :)

  3. ROFL! He sent you whaaaat? A picture of his ass? :L :L :L I found that rather funny. :D Had me lol'ing anyway. (Y) Don't take him seriously. He's being really immature. Make sure you don't give him the satisfaction of winding you up and he'll get bored.

  4. Yes he is immature...he's only a year older then me...which makes him sixteen...maybe he's seventeen...I'm not sure..
    Why do all my friends have older brothers who are a year older then me? weird..haha

    I just rolled my eyes and got on with my life...he's alreaqdy told me to go to hell, that I'm a bitch, and that I'm bisexual...(which is NOT true)...

    but seriously I could care less....

    He seriously hates me, and I think he sent me the picture as an insult to me...but I found it kind of sad...and immature....and...haha

    As for blocking his number, no I can't cause his sister, my friend texts me...thats the only reason he has my number...

  5. LOL that is funny, yet so immature. He sounds like a complete dickhead.
