Tuesday 9 June 2009

My life flashed before my eyes...and it didn't look to good...

My mother got my phone bill, and saw that instead of the usual fifteen, I owed $136...
She was about to kill me...it was because of all the texting...and I checked my gmail a few times from my phone...and I called tons of people...

I swear my life flashed before my eyes...
Ugh..talk about near death experiences...


  1. Ugh, I know the feeling. When I was 13 I got a &283 one. =S
    I was only just starting to get to know my dad, so when he told me about it I freaked out.

    My life is reeeaallllyyyy not interesting. At all. It's just the last week or so stuff has actually been happening. But mostly I'm just at home every day playing guitar or listening to music. As I said, not interesting at all. =P

    lol, your aunt sounds like my Nan, with the hating kids part.
    Oh, and my Nan and Pa are my mum's parents.

    Yup, Sims 3 is on computer.

    Uhmm, her book is basically divided up into four love stories, following the four members of this band. Hard to explain, but it's really dramatic and intriguing.

    Haha, I want to know what happens with the guy you ignored. He wouldn't have liked that at all.

  2. Yeah that has happened to me thousands of times... i used to make a lot of long distance calls... not a good isea really...
    hope it gets better soon..

  3. Haha, yeah I keep until nighttime to make all my calls, which then makes it free...and free is good, or so I have learned...
