Tuesday 16 February 2010

Well..I had the best birthday ever..

Like you Stephen, my parents gave me money, and said, "See? Its the right shape, color, and everything!"
You could see how much time and thought was put into my gift...
Ah well...its better then nothing...

But i had alot of fun..
And since then, i havent time of my own, because of constant rushing..
So, I'm sorry that i didnt post sooner...

I had a friend come over, and he stayed at his brother's apartment, and came over Friday, Saturday, and Sunday..
He must have scared my parents cause they quickly changed my dating age to eighteen, instead of the origenal sixteen...
Sigh..oh well..
He and I are just friends...

I had a small party on Friday, and then went to a party on Saturday, and came home to a dinner party my parents were having...for some Japenese people we live near to but dont know well at all...

And then on Saturday went to a coffee shop, and read and just hung out..
It was great fun..

Sorry this is so bloody short..but i am really pressed for time..
I'll try to post more details later...

Ta Ta


  1. :O lol parents are terrible! Ah well only two more years! Glad you had a good birthday :)

    See you got some fishies! :D

  2. I know..sigh
    Thank you Stephen..

    Ah! Yes!
    I thought of yours, and how cute they were, and had to get some of my own.. :)

  3. awww, i hadn't even read this one earlier... you'll have to come visit so we both have something else to write about...

    i kinda suspected i had influenced the dating age thing... sorry...

  4. Hahaha, we shoudl get together again..
    I've been telling you, ask Matt..
    If I ask him Maggie gets mad..

    Hahaha, your fine..
    Emmerich told me that he and Tommy, are not going to date until they are eighteen also.
    When I asked why, he said, "Cause for me, i just get into to much trouble, and its not worth it... And Tommy just can't get anyone to date him...

    I laughed so hard, cause Tommy is...well..yeah...

  5. haha, sometime i'll ask him... i think the further off in the future it is, the more willing they'd be... like if you asked matt if you could come this summer.

    aw, poor tommy
