Tuesday, 29 September 2009

This rain makes me happy..

Im sick today, dizzy, with a headache...ugh
But i still had to go help teach two classes of ballet, and then do my own class...

But it was raing abit today which made me feel better..
I have to go buy more tea..we had suddenly 'mysteriously' run out...

I havent bled today..thats a good thing..
Its quite an achievement...
Im very proud.

But going on pointe in ballet very nearly killed me.
I was about to die..it hurt really really bad.
But pain isnt so bad...
And neither is blood.
It means your still alive.

I remember going to the doctors office, with strange bumps all over my hands, and the doctors had to cut one off to examine, cause they had no idea what it was.
So they cut one off, and were stitching me back together, when my mother started looking very very uncomfortable.
The doctor, noticing it, gave a nervous laugh, and said,
"Um..blood is good, it means she is still alive...uh..hehe...oh dear."

Thats not something i like to hear doctors say...
Apparently blood was sqirting out of my hand, in a desprete attempt to free itself...
My blood doesnt like me...its constantly escaping.
Today i scratched my head, and it started bleeding...



  1. lol! Congrats on not bleeding today. From what I've heard, that's quite a feat.

    Mmm, tea. I have not been able to stop drinking that lately. Ha. It's just so good.

    ... what did the doctors cut off you?! I'm so confused.
    lol, are you Haemophiliac?

    Well, I'm glad you're back on.. posting. =)

  2. Sorry I've not been commenting darlin'. My comp cocks up whenever I try for some reason. Anyhow....

    Bleeding good? Interesting... Your doctor sounds legendary. Ship him to England for me please! :P

  3. Kota~ haha. yes it is...
    Tea is the best, even more so in this cold weather...
    I had some weird bumps all over my hands, but they are gone now, they went away by themselves...
    No, not that i know of..haha
    aww, me to..

    Dan~ Aww, its okay, from reading your blog, i know you have been busy..
    Haha, i shall...but how shall i convince him?
