Saturday, 4 July 2009

The creeper guy at the pool...again...

I realized that there was one little fact about this guy, at the pool, that I forgot to tell you. When he left, he gave me his phone number so that I could text him, and tell him when I was going to be there again..haha not going to happen...

My friend took his number and started texting him, but I didn't know that she did.

She told me what he said later, and I got sooo freaked out...

Here it is..

Her: Hi, its Rain,

Him: Are you going to the pool today?

Her: Not today, maybe sometime...

Him: Sometime? Do you think its weird for me to be talking to you?

Her: Yes, do you have a girlfriend?

Him:No...why are you interested?

Her: I'm a freshman in high school...

Him: I'm a sophmore in collage. Your a little young for me...
Your cute, but maybe if you were older...

Her: Ahhhhhhhhh!

Him: What?

Her: I'm a freshmen! Hence- Ahhhhhhh!

Haha, so the next day that I saw him at the pool, I just said hi, and swam away...
I didn't have to use a knife or any other weapon...
and I didn't have to call out my inner Chaos...
It all worked out fine...sorta...


  1. Hey, at least it's not as creepy as it could've been. Besides, that's not that bad...But then again, I DO live in LA. Hahahaha!

    At least he's in college. :D

  2. Thats true...but I'm sooooo tired of creepers finding me...
    I want them to just GO AWAY!!!

  3. lol your inner chaos!

    well maybe he'll leave you alone now :)

  4. Lets hope so! :)
    Your back!!!!
