Friday, 31 July 2009

The Rain will come back, when the sun goes away...

The title means that I hope to be back around september...

Im painting my room red, in case you were wondering...
I dropped my phone in the water at the beach, and mum refuses to get me a new one...
and..lets see...what else?

Oh! I was on the computer talking to a really good friend of mine, when my mum came in, and i got in HUGE trouble...cause the rule is, no computer past eleven pm, and it was three in the morning...
So Im grounded of the computer til monday..oops
Also Im on house arrest, because I took a walk without telling my mum, and she had all the neighbors out looking for me, because it was dark...

Oh dear...
Love you guys!!!

Sunday, 26 July 2009

So sorry...

I know I've been gone for a horribly long time...and I've been absolutly cruel by not commenting or anything...

But as you know our internet goes on and off, and for a long time its been merly off....
I am still going to post and comment occaisionaly, but it will be a long time...
My life is hectic, and i cant post as much...

Let summer finish, and when the school starts and I have the laptop in my bedroom,
and we might be able to get internet again..I will post more often...

I am so sorry, cause I know I hate it when you guys leave...
but i must say that i hope you guys miss me, cause I miss you all, and hope to be back after school starts...

Love to you all!

Saturday, 18 July 2009

If you kill me, I cant make dinner...

I babysat the other night night, from five to eleven...
There were four kids, three girls one boy...
One was fourteen, second was twelve, the boy was eight, and the little girl was five....
They sat in front of the Tv, the whole entire time...
what a life..the poor things....
Finally the eldest girl gets up and walks to the kitchen, and then looks at me...
"Whats for dinner?"
I just looked at her, and asked her what she wanted.
"Chicken, there is some in the freezer."
Lovely...I cant make chicken...but I decided to take a shot at it...
So, I made chicken for the first time in my life, and they were all asking for more, but there wasn't any more...I felt quite proud..
Then the eldest girl, decides to walk all over me, and turns, and was like, "Do the dishes."
I just kind of looked at her, and slowly shook my head. "You do them."
Then she turned all ditzy, and was like, "I dont how"
Thats totally retarded, EVERYONE can do dishes...
So finally she goes into the kitchen, and grabs the sponge that has raw chicken all over it, and starts washing the dishes without soap.
Finally I just move her out of the way, and did them myself...
She watched as I poured soap all over a clean sponge, and was like, "Oh...thats what that stuff is for." and was truly amazed that it became all soapy...(exasperated sigh)

The next night, I had to babysit for them again, same hours.
This I forced them to have cereal for dinner, and they ate it happily enough...
This time the little boy was bored, so he built a huge fire in the backyard...
When that was finally put out, he accidentally dropped a glass jar right outside the front door.
Then accidentally spilled gasoline all the the garage floor...
On top of it all they were killing each other, while watching tv...
So kind of screaming at the top of their lungs for everyone to be quiet so that they could hear the tv...
Lovely...or not..

Oh well...Went to the pool last night...
My mother and my aunt were there as well as my cousin.
And of course the creeper had to be there...
I was to scared to go in the water, cause if he did, my mother would get mad at me, for something I had almost no control over...I did say almost...
I didnt want to be yelling at the top of my lungs, for him to quit, with my mother right there...
Luckily my mothers back was turned, and he came over and was like, "Hi!" and tweaks my ponytail, and then walked away before I could say anything...
The dirty bastard...
(sorry..should not have said that, but I dont regret it..haha)
Later I was walking out the gate to go get something from my aunts apartment, and he happened to standing by the gate.
I walked over there to go, and he comes and stands right in front of me, and asks me where I'm going...
A little to close for comfort though, so I backed away, and kind of went around him, and just said, "This way." haha, he looked was funny...
But argh...the guy needs to either leave me alone, or I need to bring someone to kill him for me... any volunteers?

Sorry this is long, and sorry I havent been writing...
ooh, and if you havent already heard, my computer can comment again, so Im officially back now...but I'm kind of grounded off the computer, hence my getting up so early, at six in the morning, to wriite to you guys...
Have a splendid morning!
For the rest of the afternoon you guys will have to come up with your own luck...

Friday, 17 July 2009

Sort of grounded...

I'm sort of grounded and or internet is not working and has deicided to shut off...and my parents dont care...
Could my life any better at the moment...sorry bout last post...might post at coffee shop...ahhhh
Babysitting presently and the children are killing eachother...goodbye

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Hmm, rather strange...

I had a rather strange occurrence happen the other day...
It was around midnight, and I went outside, because I couldn't stand my house anymore...
I was just standing there at the end of my driveway, when all the sudden my imagination starting working overtime, and all the sudden I've worked up some very creepy mental image of what could happen unless I went inside...
I kept telling myself that I had to go inside, but my body wouldn't listen, and wouldn't move...
I was almost like petrified with fear or something...
So I did the next best thing, I sat down, and tried to make myself invisible...
I sat there for about ten minutes, and then was able to move again, in which I ran inside as fast as possible...
I do not go outside at night anymore...haha

Ugh..I went swimming again today with my cousin, and the creeper from the pool was there..of course...just my luck...
He almost drowned me...I was so fed up with it, I went out and into the hot tub...he came and sat with me there...ugh
So finally I just left the water completely and sat out...I think he finally got the hint...
The pool was like ice, and the hot tub was burning, and way to hot to sit in for longer then five minutes...

But I should have known he would be there, because today was just naturally a bad day...
First of all I woke up at eight..something I never do...and had to get ready and walk to ballet...because my mother was busy and couldn't drive me...then she wasn't able to pick me up, so I had to walk all the way home...
I was completely exhausted all day, and to top it all off, my parents got into a huge argument...
I'm a peacemaker, and cant stand arguments...yelling just makes me sick...
I was walking near these peoples house and I could hear them yelling at each other, and had to go sit down, from the feeling was weird... they start arguing and tried to drag me into it, for me to pick sides, so I just got up and left...I went for a walk for about an two hours and a half, and when I got home, they were still I just sat at the park until they were done...

Good news is, is that my mum has been letting me have alot more freedom now, but maybe its just because shes fed up with me, and could care less, or because she has bigger things to worry about...or shes just being nice...hmmmm

I am so tired of people at the moment...I tried to run it off but I cant...I just need to go and have a day where no one expects anything of me, and people aren't constantly yelling at me..or hating me...
But then again, I need someone to talk to...kind of strange I know...but as long as I could talk to someone whose presently not mad at me...I'll be fine...
Why do people hate me...I just don't get it...
Its always one extreme or the other..they either hate me, or love me...
I know like two people who are in the middle...
I am proud to say more people love me then those who hate me...but still....
Hate is a strong word, and I'm tired of people throwing it around as if it was childish banter...
It can hurt a person...and I'm tired of being hurt...
I'm tired of smiling and pretending...and being nice...
but tomorrow it will just all go back to that...loving people and then pretending to love people...
Its just who I am...I love everyone...and for some reason tonight I'm just of the verge of tearing someone apart...
I just want..i don't know what I want...
I want to hit pause and recover from everyone and everything and start over again...
But maybe I'm just having teenage hysterics...

(sigh) I'm to tired to go on...
I just want someone to understand..yet how can they when I don't tell them?
How do you tell someone all this? Its easy to write it down...

Sunday, 12 July 2009

Beach Trip! and other stuff...

Sorry this is so mother is being a rather large pain in the arse, because she keeps bothering me and coming in, when I'm on blogger, or msn...thank you all, espsically Chaos and Daniel for being patient with me....

First of all, on Staurday I went to the beach...that was fun...
I went with some friends, instead of my parents, and had a major adventure...
which is way to long to iclude all the details...but in short:
~My phone got soaked and filled with sand, and is now sucessfully broken...
~ we had lunch on a huge cliff...
~We went rock climbing and cut up our hands and feet
~We almost drowned...
But are all now safe and dry in our one died.. :)
I spent the whole day talking to this guy whose eighteen, and is really sweet...
His brother was on old teacher if a friend...
And their little ten year old sister went...

Tonight...well since its one thirty in the morning, I guess I'll have to say that it was yesturday,
I went bowling...and saw a guy who looked exactly like Stephen...
And guess what his name was...
haha, maybe stephen has been visiting near my house without even knowing it...

Am I good at bowling?
Sort of...
I did win two games out of four...and in the other two, I lost...
so its either win or lose...haha

I just got off with talking to Dan, and he should be quite proud that he managed to be the very first person I talked to this morning...hahaha
Only for me its one in the moring, and for him, its nine...he just woke up, and I havent been to bed yet...oops

What else...ummm...
Nothing really...if my mum wakes up, she will cut me into millios of peices and scatter them to the wind, without a second thought...
HAHA...I was told I was innocent, because I never swore or said God's name in vain...
Okay, so maybe I am...but still....
Aren't those things you aren't supposed to do anyway...gosh you guys...
Swearing I can handle, but just telling you now, dont say God's name in vain in any of your comments to me...or I will hypothetically beat you... sound good?

Love you all!!!!
And hope you think of me next time it rains..haha

Friday, 10 July 2009

Is the money really worth it?

Babysitting my cousin, is one of the toughest of all simple things in the world...
She spent the night last night, and woke me up, by pulling all my blankets off, and jumping on top of me...
Once I was finally half awake, and had been successfuly and literally pulled out of bed, I then had to make her breakfast and entertain her, all day long...
All she wants, is to be entertained every second of the day...ugh

It was really hot all day, so I was sluggish, and for some reason she was hyper...
We went on some erands with my mother today, and she was digging her nails into me...Ow!
And then she turns around and is the sweetest little girl, you've ever met, and you instantly love her again...
We have an artist on our hands...well you guys dont, but I do...

Anyway, as much as I weirdly like to hear people complain, I'm sure you guys do not, so I'll quit...well actually I've been told you guys dont mind...but I've run out of things to complain about at the moment...haha

I want to thank and welcome the three new people who suddenly deicided to follow my blog, and a word of advice to them, is that I am a major fan of peoples comments, so please comment, and I'll love you forever!

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Horror's unleashed...and this is the worst of them all...

That's right, its the dentist...the most horrible of all the horrors...
I hate that place more then any where else...
And, as luck would have it, I went there today...

Why do I hate that place so much?
Two words: Gag reflex

Yep, I have the biggest gag reflex in the world, I gag while I brush my teeth even...ahhhhhh
The people there find it fun, to poke sharp and pointy objects into your mouth, just to see how far they can push them down your throat...

And to top things off, they are more inconsiderate then hair dressers...
Hair dressers, just don't shut up...they have this problem with cutting your hair quietly...
You would think, they would WANT people to come back, but there mouths are constantly open...Good thing they keep the doors closed, or flies would fly in their mouths...

But dentists...if you get a really good one, they just do there job, and are quiet about it...while they torture you with their 'cleaning' of your teeth...
But the ones that I seem to always get, talk to you, and ask you what you did that summer, while they have at least three tubes and cleaning things, and two fingers in your mouth...

They also think its fun to see how much they can get into your mouth...
You have the tube for water, and the tube that sucks air...and the cleaning metal stick that they always manage to poke you with, the mirror...etc
I swear they might as well poke a tennis ball in our mouth to see if it will fit...


Argh...I went on a ten minute walk last night, cause my mother wouldn't let me have any longer, considering it was already dark, and the street lamps had turned on...
When the street lamps turn on, I'm not allowed out of the house...
But sometimes I take out the trash at like midnight, and stay out there...
I stay outside until I scare myself with my imagination...and then run back inside, silently screaming, and rebuking myself for have thought anything like that at all....
Its never scary out there, until my imagination takes over...

ANYWAY...what I was going to say before I got so sidetracked, was that I was running down this hill, and at the bottem I turned really sharply, and totally went head over heels, sliding all over the cement....OUCH...
My hand was bleeding a little, and my knee hurt, but I wasnt to worried, the one thing I did care about, was wether or not I had ripped my pants, because they were my favorite...
After finding that I had not, I continued my walk, but I little slower this time...
Then I looked down, and saw that I had scaped quite alot of skin off the tip of my toe, and that it was bleeding quite severly...
Haha, so I went to this particularly white patch on the sidewalk, and made red dots all over it...oops

Then I kept going...
I called my mother and asked her if I could have five more minutes...
She said I could, but that I had to hurry...
So I ran up this REALLY steep hill, that took about five minutes itself,( walking it takes ten minutes....)
and then ran all the way down again...which took about three minutes, considering that it was down hill....

Then quickly went home, ran in the bathroom, and washed all the blood away...
When I no longer looked like I was dying with all the blood, I showed my mother, and she just told me to be more careful...ugh...thanks for all the sympathy mum!
Ah well, I hadnt really expected any...

So here I am limping, and about to be yelled at by my ballet teacher when she learns I cant do pointe, and then told Im not allowed to wear flip flops...
I dont wear anyother shoes BUT flipflops...
Actually when I fell, I wasnt wearing ANY shoes, cause when I take walks, when I'm out of sight of my house I take them off, and hold them in my hand...

I went out in the ten feet high snow in flipflops once, and found that it was a very BAD idea...haha

Well, thats all I have to say, at the moment, I'm leading a particuarly boring life...
But the one good thing, is that the mean guy that was texting me isn't speaking to me...well at least I THINK he's not...
I was talking to his sister the other night, and I had her tell him, that 'It is a privledge to talk to Rain, and that is a privledge you have not gained...' HAHA
He said he hoped he would never gain that privledge...YAY!!!!

Monday, 6 July 2009

Its all my fault...

Sorry I haven't posted for awhile...

I get so frustrated when you guys don't post, but then I never do...

My mother has this thing where she always walks in when I'm right in the middle of a post and then I close it down, and it forgets to save...and it gets frustrating...anyway...enough griping...

Grandfather came over tonight, from C.A...hes really sweet, I love him...

He slipped twenty dollars into my hand when I hugged him..haha

My cousin was also there, and when she saw the money she immediately had to start bragging of the stuffed dog, and the books about space that he had bought her...ugh

I dont want a dog or books, thank you...

Im griping again...aren't I?

Sorry...and sorry for saying sorry, and sor-- never mind...

I'd better stop before someone hits me...haha

Ahh! I got to assist in teaching ballet/tap today with the little kids...they are soo sweet, and I gave them all hugs at the end of class, and they are all like, 'goodbye miss rain', and laughing...haha but I would probubly laugh to...

I get to help with them every Monday and Wednesday...

I also got to help with the girls that are only like a year younger then me...and they were all good, so what was I supposed to do with them...
So I was the fearless leader, everything they had to do I did it first...
In my opinion I was more of a fearful leader...haha

Saturday, 4 July 2009

The creeper guy at the pool...again...

I realized that there was one little fact about this guy, at the pool, that I forgot to tell you. When he left, he gave me his phone number so that I could text him, and tell him when I was going to be there again..haha not going to happen...

My friend took his number and started texting him, but I didn't know that she did.

She told me what he said later, and I got sooo freaked out...

Here it is..

Her: Hi, its Rain,

Him: Are you going to the pool today?

Her: Not today, maybe sometime...

Him: Sometime? Do you think its weird for me to be talking to you?

Her: Yes, do you have a girlfriend?

Him:No...why are you interested?

Her: I'm a freshman in high school...

Him: I'm a sophmore in collage. Your a little young for me...
Your cute, but maybe if you were older...

Her: Ahhhhhhhhh!

Him: What?

Her: I'm a freshmen! Hence- Ahhhhhhh!

Haha, so the next day that I saw him at the pool, I just said hi, and swam away...
I didn't have to use a knife or any other weapon...
and I didn't have to call out my inner Chaos...
It all worked out fine...sorta...

Thursday, 2 July 2009

I know I shouldn't say this but...I'm sorry

To quickly explain the title...
Everyone I know says I say 'sorry' way to much...and I know its true.
But I just cant help it...
If someone steps on my toe, or smacks me, I say sorry...
Kind of like apoligizing for them...oops
I have got to learn how to stop...

I got sunburned, and I havent even been at the pool for more then two days...
It hurts, but doesnt look TO bad...
But as soon as it melts into a tan, it will be worth it, haha just kidding...
I swear I did not get sunburned on purpose...

My cousin, the nine year old that I am babysitting, she is seriously vicious!
She hits, scratches, and kicks...but she does it in this playful way, that you cant really get her in trouble...its frustrating...
And she lies ALL the bugging the heck out of me...
She'll tell the truth for like two out of ten questions asked...

I'm sorry I havent been on lately...
I'm supposedly grounded off the computer, but I cant wait until sunday to get it back...
I have this pulling urge to go to the computer, haha
its not my fault...
I got grounded because I forgot to sweep and mop the itchen floor...(sigh)
Ah well....

Blah Blah Blah

<3 <3 <3 <3