Thursday, 28 May 2009

Complete and blissfully happy!

I only have four more papers, and then I'm done being a freshman forever!
Tenth grade seems so much older..haha

Ah! I'll be sixteen! Thats sooo old!
Even though you guys are older...still...

Angel, I have a huge ballet production, coming up this weekend...
If you lived closer, I'd invite you...
Haha, I'd invite Stephen to, but he's studying, and wouldn't get as much out of it...

<3 <3 <3


  1. Oh my gosh I love ballet!!! I love love love dancing, as we all know... 16 is amazing! I liked 16... but I was a total rebel at that age lol didn't savor my good christian values at all... well I wasn't THAT bad lol.. ok girl, good luck with your papers, and ballet, and I'm sorry I haven't been online, just so hectic.... KISSES!!!!

  2. Haha, no problemo!
    I knew you'd love it...

    Oh my, what did you do at sixteen?
    Maybe I dont want to know...haha

    Good luck on Friday!

  3. I smoked and drank... I know "tut tut tut" but I behaved again at 17...

    MWA xxxxx

  4. Shocking! Haha, actually i'm surprised and pleased that while you were losing your christion values, you didn't go farther...haha

    Glad that your better now! <3


  5. Lol I can think of so many ways you could lose your "Christian Values"!! ;) One of them involves sheep. :D

    Do you still smoke? I hope not. :(
