Sunday, 26 December 2010

Haha stupid me

Oh i inadvertently told you that i would try to come back during Christmas break, create a new blog, and pretty much get back into the bloggers whirl.

Well, i suppose I lied. I DIDN'T MEAN TO!! It all came as a shock to me as well.

First off i have no time.
Second, i have internet probably once a week, and you have to be in the right place at the right time, with a laptop.
Thirdly, my life has become to exciting lately and wonderful, i wish i had time to sit here and write it all down, but on the days i actually have time to come onto here and write it out, i am having a dreadfully boring day. :(

So, I have decided to say goodbye to blogger for awhile.
Say, adieu to all of you, my wonderful friends, and go live my life to the fullest, make every moment count, do good deeds to feel the wonderful feeling in my chest, and put my conscience at rest, and to just be the most spectacular, and extraordinary human being i can be. Enough to stupefy those around me.

Know that i love you all, and when my life calms down...if ever...i shall be back.
With such stories of adventure that would quite knock you out of your chair as you sit there reading this.

Monday, 6 December 2010


Oh my Gosh!!
It has been a looooooooooooong time.

I missed all you guys, but there was nothing i could do about it, because i forgot my password for the longest time. I was a slave to my own forgetfulness.

I am going to create a new blog, because life has changed, and this blog is no longer me.
I don't know what it shall be, but when i find out, I'll tell you.

Friday, 19 March 2010

Goodness, i have been busy..but thats a good thing right?

Wednesday, 3 March 2010


Spring Break is coming...and as much as I love the spring, I hate Spring Cleaning...

My mother came from a household that cleaned 24/7 literally..
So she goes insane with Spring Break, and has informed me that we shall be cleaning the attic...
She has been dreading cleaning that, because it is (VERY) messy, so no doubt she will send me up there, and let me do it..ugh
Or, (even worse) she will make me go up there and work with her for an hour...
I like to clean by myself, and hate cleaning with other people...
Fun Fun Fun....or not

Hopefully i can escape with friends, and perhaps the week shall fly by...but i doubt it...


Ballet gets more fun by the minute..
It turns out i am in four can-can dances, one dance with all the soloists, and my solo..
Six dances...

Also, i shall be sitting on stage the entire time, next to Bell's chair, so this is going to be amazingly fun.
The four other soloists all have to move to the back of the stage, and freeze in some standing up pose...
mwahahaha, while i sit down, and rest...
Their feet are going to Hurt...
Poor them...

When being on pointe for so long, it starts to kill you with just having them on your feet...

Anyway...I must run, I've got school, and babysitting tonight....

Ta Ta

Friday, 26 February 2010


I'm deathly cold, and am writing a paper that was supposed to be done two weeks ago, and here it is one thirty in the afternoon, and I'm only halfway through...

I just can't focus...

Friday, 19 February 2010

I wish i knew the future...

What is going to happen to me in two years?
Where will I be?
Will I be in another state!?
Will I be at college and dance studios?
Will I be working for a company?

Where will I be in ten years?
Will I be married?
Will I be a spinster?
Will I be dead?

I hate not knowing…this is killing…
If I’m going to be dead in three years, I would give up my school, and focus on Ballet and Gymnastics, and everything that I truly love.
I’d take trips and make money, and spend it on experiences…
And Then I can die, quite happily..

Maybe I’ll live until Im deep in my ninties..
Then I would have time to pursue everything that I want…

For now, I guess I shall have to just focus on this paper that I’m writing..sigh

Why Moulin Rouge?

Because it is amazing...
Today i sat in the sun, and it was amazing.

Yes, I know it doesnt seem like much, but sun is so rare, now after winter, i hadn't realized how much i had missed it.
It blinded me, and i had to close my eyes, but just having it there, was wonderful.

I felt like Trixy, in the comic strip, 'Hi and Lois'
She has her 'Mr. Sunbeam,'

I love the sun

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Well..I had the best birthday ever..

Like you Stephen, my parents gave me money, and said, "See? Its the right shape, color, and everything!"
You could see how much time and thought was put into my gift...
Ah well...its better then nothing...

But i had alot of fun..
And since then, i havent time of my own, because of constant rushing..
So, I'm sorry that i didnt post sooner...

I had a friend come over, and he stayed at his brother's apartment, and came over Friday, Saturday, and Sunday..
He must have scared my parents cause they quickly changed my dating age to eighteen, instead of the origenal sixteen...
Sigh..oh well..
He and I are just friends...

I had a small party on Friday, and then went to a party on Saturday, and came home to a dinner party my parents were having...for some Japenese people we live near to but dont know well at all...

And then on Saturday went to a coffee shop, and read and just hung out..
It was great fun..

Sorry this is so bloody short..but i am really pressed for time..
I'll try to post more details later...

Ta Ta

Wednesday, 10 February 2010


Life is wonderful!

Its such a nice feeling, that my schoolwork, chores, and all other commitments are done for the day.

Such freedom, to do whatever i desire.
I would love to go outside and walk, but considering that it is already pitch black outside, that shall have to wait until tomorrow.
While tomorrow has a whole new set of things for me to accomplish and i probably wont get that walk...darn it.

The Game of Life never ends...

Tuesday, 9 February 2010


Very busy...shall post soon

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Why am I happy?

Because I have a right to..

And also because the dark winter is over, and there is more of a chance for sun now.
Without the sun I am nothing, like the clouds deicide my mood.
When the clouds are open and the sun is shining through, everything is bright and the people are cheerful.
When it is cloudy the world seems dark and mysterious, as if you were to get murdered walking down the street.

I personally feel rather uncomfortable with the thought of getting murdered while walking down the street..but perhaps it is just me...

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

I am clinically insane...

So sorry

Goodness its been a long time...
Im sorry about that..
I was about to clean the house, when i looked at computer, and gasped.
I had forgotten you guys, and feel terrible..
So sorry...


There, sorry, i had to get that out..
I am so happy.
I have been depressed and constantly unhappy ever since Novemeber.
Dont you love how life turns around and your so happy you feel as if you shall split for the joy?

Life has to have it's downs in order to have its ups.
But why are there so many of them?

I shall post again soon I swear...
But for now i must rush and clean my house..because it needs to be cleaned...and my mind isnt working...

Friday, 22 January 2010

I'm mad...

Need i say more?

I didnt think so..

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Today i learned something new...
Hacking my parents system is horribly easy..

Monday, 11 January 2010


Okay..i swear im not ignoreing you guys...
But we got a new computer..and my dad did something to the parental block, and it doesnt let me comment on your blogs...

It wont even let me see Stephens blog..sigh

So let me hack their system..and ill see what i can do about it..but it may take me awhile...

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Oh my gosh...

Last night, i was on the computer cause i was not able to sleep..
The computer is no longer in my room, and i now have to use it out in the family room, which is near the front door.
I am not allowed on the internet without asking...blah
But dad was gone somewhere for work...
And mum was asleep.

At one thirty, my dad walks in the door...
And there was no way i could get around him, so i quietly closed down my gmail, and clicked on some random story i had on my desktop that my friend and i were writing.

He sees me, and walks over hoping to catch me...tee hee
But i gave him a completely inniocent look, and said that i couldnt sleep, and was writing a story...
HAHA, you should have seen his face..
He had no way to get me in he merely sent me off to bed.

I have been sick with just a cough for two weeks..
But this morning, i woke up and walked into the bathroom..
My mum was in there doing her hair..

All the sudden i felt dizzy, and my sight left me.
I couldnt see anything for about seven chaotic minutes, while my dad and mum ran around like chickens with their heads cut off, trying to help me.
As soon as i drank some juice and my sight came back i was rushed to the doctor...

What a great way to start off the morning..
But im fine now..and it turns out teenagers just have a random habit of passing out...greeat..

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Last weekend, was one of the strangest things that has ever happened to me.
I went to a strict dance, and I was asked to leave because my dress was one centimeter to short.
The dress code, apparently said you could not show your knees at all.

Tee hee, so i told the lady there was no way i could reach my parents, and that i couldn't do anything about it, even though i was meeting my friend that night to go spend the night at her house, and in fact, had a skirt with me that was the appropriate length.
So she told me i was allowed in the room, just not allowed to dance.
Stupid lady...

I knew everyone there, and half of the whole entire room left the dance, to come and dance, and have their own party in the coat room. Hahaha...
It was quite fun, but then one of the dad's noticed and when he found out that we were doing it cause i wasnt allowed to dance, he got pissed.

He called the lady over, and they had a huge yelling fight, and she walked away after saying, "She is not allowed to dance, and thats final."
He told me to go dance anyway, and if there was a problem to tell him.
Awwww, it was so sweet...

So i had a great time, and danced with everyone...

Oh dear...

I'm back...
Is it really that simple for me to just say that I'm back, and go on like i had never ended?
But sometimes its best to just pretend...