Friday, 30 October 2009

Trick or treat?

Ooh...Tomorrow is Halloween, and I honestly cant wait!
I love seeing the little kids dressed up in their cute costumes and the older kids in their scary costumes. I believe this is one holiday where, no matter what age, every ones creativity comes out. Even if they have fake blood dripping down their face, or real blood for that matter, from tripping off the curb, or being tripped...haha

People in my neighborhood take the 'trick' part of 'trick or treat' a bit to seriously...
Peoples house gets spray painted, or their cars get stolen. Smoke bombs, stink name it, they have done it all before. We have a small stratch of woods near our house and last year some gang og older guys sat in there, and when the little kids ran through threr, they would grab them and pull them into the forest.

Haha, but then after halloween is when the neighbors all come together to scrub paint off of someone garage door, or clean rotten eggs off a car...isnt it lovely...

This is the first time in about five years i will be trick or treating around MY neighborhood....surprise surprise...
We are always invited to other peoples houses...

We are having one family over, and there son, who is a friend of mine, is trying to get me to invite this other guy over who likes me.
No offense but ever since the kid told me he liked me, and i told him i didnt feel the same way about him, he feels he can be rather open about it...sigh
Huge hugs, sitting next to me, saying he loves me over the phone....inviting me over all the time.(To which i have always had a reason not to be able to come)
He's gotten really really annoying...

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Quite happy took me two hours, but i rearranged my whole bedroom..again..
The book shelf was a almost fell on my three times, and i got stuck, cause i was scooting it back, and then i was between it and the wall, and realized i was stuck...haha
I looked at the florr where i had put all the stuff that goes on the bookshelf, and realized it was all junk..but im to lazy to get rid of any of it, and it looks good randemly standing on its fine..

I dropped so many tacks, its a wonder i dont feel like a pin cushion yet...
I was also holding a handful of tacks, and i shut my hand a little to qucikly...ouch..
But it felt weirdly different..not good..not bad

Fall is so pretty, i glanced out my window and the leaves are falling, whirling, prancing, dancing across the yard...My pear tree is turning orange and gold and red...yay
The apple, plum, and cherry trees are still a dark green.. :(
But those are my mums, my tree is pretty.. :)
I was listening to a cd i found in the car, and one of the songs starts with a wolf howling and barking. My cats head snapped up, and he got out of my bedroom so fast it was hilarious.

But quite happy..

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Ping Pong...Ding-a-ling...Pitter Patter down the street... sick again..blah

But i spent most of my evening making cookies.. :)
If there is one thing i can cook..its desserts...haha
Even if they do look a bit different, and..flat....haha
They are VERY good...

I have a ton of school tomorrow, 3 papers and math, grammer, and latin...ugh
I shouldnt have put off the papers...
Stupid Stupid Stupid Rain!!!

My dad made a fire in the fireplace...yay
It was nice and cozy.
Then he left and i tried to make another one, after that one died...
It was....smoky...and not that much of a sucess...
Lets just say..ash everywhere..and lots of smoke...

I went to an exercise class with my mum and ripped something in my shoulder...
I could hardly move my arm...but i was in front, and i HAD to keep moving...
Utter pain...I just laughed and kept going...
I even skipped ballet, cause i was so dead...
Then, since i didnt go to ballet, mum made me help her clean the refrigerator..sigh

I think I may clean and reorganize my room again...
Ah! NO..i must do my schoolwork FIRST...sigh
Homeschooling is SO hard..ugh
Focus Focus Focus....

Maybe i will go to the library again... :)

Tonight i sat on my bed, and threw myself backward, and went crashing down onto my cat...
Poor i pet him..and he started purring.. :)
I love that cat...i can squash him, but as long as im next to him, hes happy..
The other night i was sleeping, and he came up, and laid right next to my face, and he draped his paw around my head like a hug, and fell was SO cute...

Oh dear..i should go make more cookies...goodnight!!

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Find one song, one last song to leave behind..

Sitting at the library, listening to Sweeney Todd, and looking out at the pond.
I'm warm and dry, and the rain is falling on the pond in soft rings.
The ducks and geese are floating along delicately...its really pretty.

It would be perfect if i didnt have to do school, and if i had eaten lunch before coming...

Thunder is rumbling, and i just saw the strangest thing...
There was a huge white dog standing in the back feild, but he was so large, i could see him perfectly.
He's gone now, maybe i was just seeing things, but it sort of worked with the picture.

I had the most horrible dream this morning about my dad, and i woke up so scared.
Then ten minutes later my dad showed up, and i was telling myself, "Calm face, no emotion."
It was soo scary..

I was sitting at the computer, and it was around two in the morning, and suddenly a car pulled up, and i freaked out.
I shut down the computer and ran to my room, and pretended to be doing school, and then the door rang and it turned out to be my dad, but i was still scared, and then i woke up..

I shouldnt be scared..but it was weird..
I didnt have any reason to be scared...

Sunday, 11 October 2009


Nothing really is happening...

I finally cleaned me room, cause it been a mess, while they put in our new windows...sigh
Everything was shoved against one wall...and now it is amazingly clean, and reorganized...yay

I shall post when i have more interesting news...

also the questions arises...WHERE IS CHAOS???
Im quite mad at him, cause he hasnt been on in ages...
Is he dead?

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Nasty little buggers i got my braces...
They are quite strange..
Im not sure i like them.

Actually when the lady gave me the mirror i glanced and quickly put the mirror down.
Now that im trying to get used to them, cause they will be living with me for the next two years or so.

They put the dentist chair so far back, i could almost see the floor...haha
I was surprised at myself, because i didnt fall asleep.
Normally at seven thirty in the morning, i would be out in a second.

I had something weird happen...
I was sitting there with my eyes closed, and when suddenly the blackness in front of me started swirling around in circles.
There were little dots are all were in perfect sequence, and spinning around.
It was really pretty.

I thought maybe i was falling asleep, but i opened my eyes, and i was fine.
Then i shut them, and it was all dark, and then they appeared and started twirling.
Haha..perhaps i have gone 100% insane now..
But it was cool.

My dad keeps staring at me, like im an alien, or not his daughter anymore...
Haha..i dont look THAT different..
Do I?

Ooh, but i havent bled today yet!
That is good, cause yesturday my toe was bleeding after i hit it with a door...
And then one of my cats climbed up my leg, and onto my shoulder.
Though after i put him down, i noticed blood leaking out of my shoulder...sigh
But trying..
Im just not good at not bleeding..

Sunday, 4 October 2009 she still breathing?

Alright..ignore the tite, there are more interesting things at hand..

First off, I bought another pair of heels!!!
The heels are about two and half inches high..and really comfy..
And they were ten dollors..60% off...
Begging on their knees to be bought..
(except that shoes dont have knees)
But you never know...
So i did them a favor, and i was kind enough to buy them.
Of course when i got home, my mum had a fit, and was like, "TO MANY SHOES!!!!"
Hehe, but there is no way i can return them..sorry

I went to a friends house yesturday, and spent the night..
It was very fun...

I was walking along, and walked right into some randem board, it hit my right in the nose and eyes. Its my own fault, i walked into it...
But what was funny, was that i did it again, half an hour later...hahahaha

But we had lots of fun...she lives in the county, and it was so nice to just get away from know?

But it was fun, i almost broke my teeth by doing a cartwheel, and my heavy glass heart necklace hit my in the mouth. My finger got crushed underneath my friends foot, and i jumped off a truck, and fell backwards onto the ground. I also got pushed out the back door by my friends older brother, and he slammed the door behind me.
Just cause we were bothering him, by being in the same house.

But all in all, very fun..hehe
Oh gee, ive said it was fun about five times, but you know..thats how fun it was...
I need another adjective...

They dropped me off at church, and i saw my mum, and she was like, "Hi, your going home with that other family, after church. I have to get home. Bye."
But so i went, and i got home, and got lectured about the shoes, then she dashed off to lunch and to see a movies with some friends.
Then she got home around five, and i was gone on a walk.
Then i was in my room all night, and she came in, and lectured me that i need to spend more time with her.
Oh well...

All i can do is try..

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Hurray for Advil and every other pain killer out there!!!

Im practically living on Advil right now, since i got these bands in my teeth.
They are keeping me teeth apart so that not tomorrow, but the next friday they can put metal bands were the rubber is, and put the braces on...ugh
If my teeth hurt this bad right now, i can just imagine what the braces will feel like...(shudder)

So my diet consists of Advil, tea, and noodles...
I tried a sandwich this morning, before the Advil kicked in..not a good idea..
So i practically swallowed the rest the whole, and then resorted back to something softer... room is a mess...
It probubly looks normal to everyone else..but i cant stand it.
It looks a bit to lived in for my taste.
I rather it be spotlessly clean...
Speaking of which..i should dust....

Im staring at a picture of a 'skull and cross bones' that i have on my wall..
Some little boy gave it to me...hahaha
Have you ever noticed that the skull has perfect teeth...
Maybe its just that way in this one picture, but seriously...
I dont think pirate flags would have their skulls with perfect teeth...
Perhaps I have stopped making sense...
Perhaps i was never making sense in the first place...

Ah well...i get brownie points for trying..