Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Its no longer Raining...

Well, the rain is gone, and soon it will be summer...
Everyone thinks Valentines Day is a big time of year, for love...
But actually its Spring...and summer...
So there...haha

I just ate dinner...and I should go to bed...but I am waiting...I'm just not sure what I'm waiting for though...

But I'll know when it happens...


I've been to depressing in my writings...I didn't actually get a blog to complain...
My mood will hopefully lighten, as the weather does...
Or my homework load...haha that will be nice.

Oh dear...

What really defines happiness?
I think it is to be held by the one who you love,
but what if you are alone in the world,
and no ones arms are their to protect you from the word?
Do you just let the current of the world run over your head, and let yourself die?
Or do you fight it and live? Death is easy and peaceful, and living is harder,
which path should I choose?

Tuesday, 28 April 2009


How can my heart be broken,
when it wasn't even whole to begin with?

Broken hearts

An empty space is all that's left,
of where my heart should be.
The love that once lit up my life,
now just a memory.
I miss you more then words can say,
but nothing stops the pain,
And if I could, I'd turn back in time,
to see your face again...


If the birds flew backward, and the rain fell upward, would the world be right?

When you see a star in the sky, do we name it? Or do you not bother,
knowing someone probably already did...?

If love is good, and hate is bad, why is love so rare, and hate so common?


I'm so tired and frustrated.
I don't intend on studing anymore, for today I'm going to leave the earth and come back later in the night.
Like Robert Frost, I wanna go swing on birch branches.
No worries, no dilemmas...Just the trees and its verdant greens,
the baby grass under my feet, the hiding birds singing in a self-composed tune,
and me.

Sunday, 26 April 2009

No such thing

There is no such thing as an awkward silence.
And if there is, I've never experienced it.

There is no such thing as living happily ever after.
There is no need to explain why I think this.

And there is no such thing as a perfect human.
And if there is I hope I never meet them.